Favorite Product.. Eco Nuts Soap Nuts!

Favorite Product.. Eco Nuts Soap Nuts!

Piggy Paint has a favorite new product we love! We met Mona at the Expo West show and learned about Eco Nuts!

Eco Nuts® Soap Nuts (seen below) are a berry shell that naturally contains soap. They grow on theSapindus mukorossi (Soap Berry) tree in the Himalayas.

The natural soap found in these berries is called saponin. Saponin is a natural cleaner that works as a surfactant, breaking the surface tension of the water to penetrate the fibers of your clothing, lifting stains from the fabric, and leaving dirt suspended in the water that is rinsed away.

Here is Melanie with Mona, Co Founder of Eco Nuts. We love finding great new products to share with all of you! Especially when they are natural, safe alternatives! How awesome is this? Check them out here and keep your eye out for our upcoming giveaway with Eco Nuts Soap Nuts!

eco nuts

Here are more fun photos of Piggy Paint fans from Expo West!

expo westblog2 expo westblog


Piggy Paint Team

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